A Lot Has Happened!

I know, I know. It looks like I’m making things up again, Arnold, but hear me out. I am so sorry for not coming back and updating you all on anything. Bad Cherish! *Cue flogging scene in Sweeney Todd when Judge Turpin punishes himself.*

Okay, that was a bit dramatic, but am I forgiven? Yeah? Alright!

First thing first, I am a college graduate! Last month I was able to walk in my school’s commencement ceremony, although, I’m taking two online classes this summer to make it official tissue!

Second thing, I’ll hopefully be starting my first job not as a student soon. This is very much daunting, but it’s also very much necessary. I’m lucky this job allows me to work in my field (sort of) and will definitely be a plus should I apply to grad school. I think I might be headed in that direction.

Third, after months of not being able to write for Etta & Emmylou, I managed to rewrite chapter twenty and start chapter twenty-one. Let me tell you, chapter twenty-one isn’t moving as easily and not for the same reason as previous chapters. I think I may be a bit scared of ending this thing. Chapter twenty-one is so emotional, I actually have to stop every few lines and give myself a pep talk. I definitely wasn’t expecting it to hit me this hard, but there’s some real Elphaba and Glinda changed for the better feels. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you can watch it here.

Fourth, and this may be the most important update, “The Trees Won’t Tell” has been chosen for publication at Kweli Journal! I knew this for a while, but I didn’t know when until a few days ago. It’s being considered for either the June 2017 or October 2017 issue. I think it’s safe to say that it’ll be featured in the October issue because of some edits that are in order. I’m actually a bit nervous about the editing process, though I’m always open to making my stories the best that it can be. I can’t wait to share more about this publishing venture that I’m on. There are still some details I’d like to clear up before I say more. I figured since I haven’t updated in a little while I might as well spill something.

Next post will be a booktrack for sure.

Until then,


7 thoughts on “A Lot Has Happened!

  1. Congratulations on all of these wonderful updates!! That’s super exciting.

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    If you have the time, please check out my blog @breenysbooks. I’d love any feedback. Have a wonderful day.

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